In a planned premeditated unlawful, criminal design FBI Critical Response Unit Serial Murder/Child Abduction / State of Illinois Missing Persons Forensic Profilers (Joint Task Force), using Malicious Shocking to the Conscious practices of Deliberate Indifferent/Gross Negligent Psychology create, fabricate words ,Phrases, to use in a Tiered Conditioning/Programming, " F.B.I. Unlawful Dark Ops Behavior Science/Behavior Analysis Program/Project", Nationality of victim, location of alleged crime, sex of victim, and them assign items , colors, names, vehicles, to be directly related to the alleged crime or similar sounding words (trying to condition them to get the same response make synonyms) to the alleged crime or elements of crime or victim, and plant words of Innocent nature to subject to the targeted of the alleged victim, location of alleged crime, nationality of alleged victim, and then after a outrageous repeated harassing manner of intentional subjection 1000's of time, then try to take the words or items and alter them using word association to the targeted committing the crime, having sex with the victim, killing the victim and and / disposing of the victims remains, Etc operating in a Tiered / Staged Conditioning/Programming ,...Then use the tactic of Direct Death Threat, by the alleged victim's Nationality, while having the Targeted Isolated from all Social, Family and any type of individuals that will give the Targeted a fair opportunity to hear them out or witness the FBI/State Misconduct and Atrocious Criminal Behavior and see the Self Evident Factual Exonerating Evidence, suppressed, by having created direct harassment and threats to all parties the Targeted comes into contact with, by and or intentionally saturating all paths of travel of the Targeted using 30-100 FBI/State agent saturation Critical Behavior Analysis agents, making statements of the Targeted being a convicted Sex Offender, Sexual Predator, Dangerous Social path, or to be Armed , Etc..., All fabricated lies, and propaganda, ( As your were suppose to believe their word as honest as a law enforcement official ),Or alleging there is/are Children missing, to get "Carte Blanch", operating powers and be able get away with their direct unlawful shocking outrageous vicious display of misconduct and criminal activities to all parties involved and that participate or Theater, their operation ,....operating in a planned series of events to impede stop and or hinder any type of communication from peoples that are not their governmental agents or operating in the criminal design to compel a incriminating statement to crimes the targeted never committed to all FBI/State operative agents lay knowledge ( that have entered into a Criminal Conspiracy wielding the powers of law enforcement), that have all exonerating evidence under FBI and s State of Illinois seal...only stating their factually fabricated alteration of the exonerating evidence, or factual fabricated delusional crime hypotheses, and only if and there is a child missing, exploiting children solely for profit to operate their Multi billion dollar DOD, NSA, FBI, State of Illinois, "Dark Ops Behavior Science/Behavior Analysis Project/Program"
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