Tuesday, January 26, 2016

In a planned premeditated unlawful, criminal design FBI Critical Response Unit Serial Murder/Child Abduction / State of Illinois Missing Persons Forensic Profilers (Joint Task Force), using Malicious Shocking to the Conscious practices of Deliberate Indifferent/Gross Negligent Psychology create, fabricate words ,Phrases, to use in a Tiered Conditioning/Programming, " F.B.I. Unlawful Dark Ops Behavior Science/Behavior Analysis Program/Project", Nationality of victim, location of alleged crime, sex of victim, and them assign items , colors, names, vehicles, to be directly related to the alleged crime or similar sounding words (trying to condition them to get the same response make synonyms) to the alleged crime or elements of crime or victim, and plant words of Innocent nature to subject to the targeted of the alleged victim, location of alleged crime, nationality of alleged victim, and then after a outrageous repeated harassing manner of intentional subjection 1000's of time, then try to take the words or items and alter them using word association to the targeted committing the crime, having sex with the victim, killing the victim and and / disposing of the victims remains, Etc operating in a Tiered / Staged Conditioning/Programming ,...Then use the tactic of Direct Death Threat, by the alleged victim's Nationality, while having the Targeted Isolated from all Social, Family and any type of individuals that will give the Targeted a fair opportunity to hear them out or witness the FBI/State Misconduct and Atrocious Criminal Behavior and see the Self Evident Factual Exonerating Evidence, suppressed, by having created direct harassment and threats to all parties the Targeted comes into contact with, by and or intentionally saturating all paths of travel of the Targeted using 30-100 FBI/State agent saturation Critical Behavior Analysis agents, making statements of the Targeted being a convicted Sex Offender, Sexual Predator, Dangerous Social path, or to be Armed , Etc..., All fabricated lies, and propaganda, ( As your were suppose to believe their word as honest as a law enforcement official ),Or alleging there is/are Children missing, to get "Carte Blanch", operating powers and be able get away with their direct unlawful shocking outrageous vicious display of misconduct and criminal activities to all parties involved and that participate or Theater, their operation ,....operating in a planned series of events to impede stop and or hinder any type of communication from peoples that are not their governmental agents or operating in the criminal design to compel a incriminating statement to crimes the targeted never committed to all FBI/State operative agents lay knowledge ( that have entered into a Criminal Conspiracy wielding the powers of law enforcement), that have all exonerating evidence under FBI and s State of Illinois seal...only stating their factually fabricated alteration of the exonerating evidence, or factual fabricated delusional crime hypotheses, and only if and there is a child missing, exploiting children solely for profit to operate their Multi billion dollar DOD, NSA, FBI, State of Illinois, "Dark Ops Behavior Science/Behavior Analysis Project/Program"

FBI Outrage


Upon leaving to go to places of travel shopping employment I have the "FBI Critical Response Unit # 3" (Special assigned agents of a FBI Quantico Behavior analyses unit) and FBI agents and Illinois State Police Missing Persons Divisions, operating in a joint task force, subjecting me to via a unlawful radio broadcast of a Magic Microphone Device, of how this is where we have set up for you to be Heinously, Brutally Executed, and Mutilated, and Murdered, if I do not give a confession to numerous Kidnapping and Murders, crimes I never committed...
Then upon arriving at the sites of employment I have where the FBI and State of Illinois Police and local County Sheriff , Etc, are operating in a joint task force, have gaslighted the environment;
"Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.[1][2] Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.
The term owes its origin to the play Gas Light and its film adaptations, after which it was coined popularly. The term has been used in clinical and research literature.[3][4]"
Upon entering the establishments the FBI and State Police have informed the employer that I am a Serial Murder, suspected of numerous Child Kidnappings , giving them "Carte Blanch" operating powers, and the staff of the establishment are made a word for word harassment to subject me to, via computer and/or cell phones or a unlawful radio broadcast as a Magic Micro Phone Type Device of words and phrase all created by the FBI / State of Illinois task force agents, all believing their going to in a unlawful practice of Gross Negligent / Deliberate Indifferent, Practice of Vicious Malicious Psychology ( Dark FBI Behavior Science Project ),suspected crimes basic interrogation, threats of death, using Nationality Based Harassment, of the nationalities of their alleged victims Polish, Latino ,Asian, Etc. are going to Mutilate \, Heinously murder if I do not give a confession to crimes, I never committed.
The Behavior Analysis unit of the FBI and Serial Murder Joint task Force together, then place individuals directly in my paths of travel, that are to be Polish, Latino, and create harassment on a Nationality basis, and then have their alleged victims children of Latino or Polish or Asian origin, directly placed in the area of path of jobs to be preformed and allege these is the victims, and create a malicious threat, and coercive environment, and then either via advanced DOD technology, Import using Laser Particle Beam ( Particle Beam DOD tech that can Import/Move Atoms) and or place particles human Feces alleged to be baby feces, or urine or rotten Garbage, in the paths of travel, in a series of planned coercive deliberate malicious, intentional designs to use as Psychological Re enforcements, in a tiered planned operation to condition/program me to believe I committed Kidnappings of the present individual, unlawfully Intentionally with the design of a unlawful psych ops operation, ...
The FBI/State of Illinois Police has went as far as to place individual families (Law Enforcement Family Members or Confidential Informants Etc???), with their alleged victim (children) in my direct paths of travel, of where they were a direct obstacle of travel and in the performance of doing my employment, and then upon stepping a few feet away, alleging the child is missing ( Suppose to be the Alleged Victim ) and alleging then a factual fraudulent Sexual Assault of the victim, in a bathroom, Etc, where I was the area prior in performing employment services of running electrical components, Etc, operating in a intention design to cause outrageous and shocking pressures of coercion, and a direct dangerous threat, and making statement in a direct sexual harassing manner making false allegations of sexual relationships, or nationality bases direct insinuations of Victims Nationalities Etc, done via the employees and law enforcement operatives that saturated the sites, which are all operating illegal, trying to keep me in a continual rapport of vicious conditioning and a continual theater of programming, which has caused financial, and a severe social isolation. And financial injuries, Etc...
The FBI and State Police and all law enforcement officials involved know they Targeted a Innocent man using solved crime scene evidence that the FBI has placed under FBI seal, and are only telling what they want to alter and condition of their own delusional FBI Profile, and they know any type of discovery will uncover this factual suppressed evidence, no matter what they tell the public, media, or all parties involved... and all the alleged misconduct intentionally stone walled by the FBI and State of Illinois and offices of over-site Inspector generals Etc,,Etal.. in a premeditated criminal under taking of common conspiracy... involving the longest on going FBI Behavior Science / Behavior Analysis project ever done in Illinois and maybe the Nation...
Daniel J. Laveau (aka D.J.)

Sunday, January 10, 2016

 The Midwestern Directors and Chicago, Illinois Federal bureau of Investigation's, Child Abduction, Serial Murder, Violent Crimes Critical Response Unit, after Laveau filed complaints in the Washington and Chicago,Federal and Illinois  Inspector Generals offices, seeking it's Immediate Protection and Investigation of the Chicago FBI, Illinois State Police, Chicago Police, Dupage and Cook County Sheriffs offices. undermining the law enforcement establishment, taking evidence from solved closed crime scenes where child murder and serious domestic violence transpired prior to his residing, to target him as a Serial Child Murderer.(cases the Chicago FBI have all factual Exonerating evidence under seal),  to operate a Special Behavior Science , Behavior Analysis Unit, using 24/7 Advanced Satellite Roving Imaging and Bio Metric Voice Print Technology, and unlawful saturation Units consisting of 30 - 100 Federal State and County special agents, That used and at time are using operating in a continual wrong with fraudulent concealment  the Immediate Threats of death by Stabbing and Heinous Mutilation by Nationality stalking of their alleged victims Latino, Polish, Negro and  Asian, races  Etc...
    The chief Judge Holderman / Castillo, of the Chicago Federal Criminal Court, Federal Bureau of Investigation's Dir. Robert Holley, United states Attorney Fardon, Dir.Robert Sch warts Illinois State police . Terrence Gainer United States Senate Sergent of Arms Ex Secret Service director former Illinois State Police Director that was the Original agent that suppressed all factual exonerating evidence and under the Jim Edgar Governor, operated the unlawful unit in a joint task force of the FBI)   Lisa Madigan Illinois Attorney general, Anita Alvarez Cook County states Attorney, Thomas Dart Cook County sheriff, R. Aruba Dupage county sheriff, created in a planned common criminal design a theater of unlawful Programming/conditioning in Dupage Wheaton Illinois at 400 S. Hale street, Wheaton, Illinois,  owned by John Swain a building manager that works at the HYATT REGENCY hotel chain ( That does 100's of Millions of dollars of business with the federal building complex in reservation and reserved rooms(federally secured) used by all FBI, DEA, ATF united states attorneys Etc, federal officials that go to and from the federal building complex and Chicago, Illinois...




DANIEL J. LAVEAU,Presents a Demand/Request for the Immediate "United States Congress", to appoint "Independent counsel", to investigate and criminally prosecute numerous "Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation's", special agents and "Chicago Police Department Operatives", that have a Severe Internal Conflict of Interest, after in a joint task force. using "Unlawful Enhanced Interrogation Techniques",operating using "Saturation units", that have used "Advanced Satellite Imaging and Bio-Metric Technology", to do a unlawful Roving Interrogation, wielding powers of the dangerous Chicago Corrupt Machine,using Immigrants and organized criminals and the Chicago law enforcement agents own families,and the Chicago Terrorist task force net work,exploiting Missing/Dead Children.
In numerous planned series of events the Chicago Field office of the "F.B.I. and Chicago Police", after "Laveau",presenting Factual Exonerating Evidence, to the "Illinois Attorney General (Lisa Madigan)."Federal Bureau of Investigation's"(Robert Grant,Cory Nelson and Robert Holley),and the United States Attorney (Patrick Fitzgerald,Shapiro,and Fardon),and "United States Inspector General in Chicago and Washington D.C.", of numerous Homicides and Kidnappings he was targeted for, because of the "Internal Severe Conflict of Interest inside the Chicago and Washington United States Justice Department, in a operation that is a CONTINUAL WRONG SINCE 1994, involving 100's of millions of dollars and 10's of thousands of manpower hours, and were they used "Threats of Immediate death, Sexual Organ Mutilation,and direct Threats toward 'LAVEAU's' family,of Tit for tat Murders and mutilation Home Invasions,etc.Trying to coerce/elicit a incriminating statement to crimes the lead detectives and any form of professional discovery will prove He never committed with the appointment of professional Independent counsel.
The unit of the "United States Behavior Science Division", used unlawful Saturation Joint Task Force Units, that made Intentional Misleading Malicious, statements to the Public and Media, of Laveau being a convicted Child Predator, in a intentional Reckless design, to get "Carte Blanche" operating powers,while unlawfully using advanced satellite surveillance technology to invade the protected privacy of his apartment,and use live satellite roving technology, while subjecting him to a direct unlawful radio broadcast of a Magic Microphone type device,that he was subjected to and in a reckless endangerment to the public, to keep him in a unlawful continual rapport of Interrogation trying to Torture a Incriminating statement, and Mentally Condition him to believe he committed crimes he never committed, in a criminal design to protect high ranking federal/State law enforcement officials(federal Judges,attorneys,and Illinois officials involved in the operation)
As a exhibit "Laveu" present the original petition presented to the United States Inspector General and Illinois Inspector general as a showing of the Internal severe Conflict of Interest=============================================================================================================





    Daniel J. Laveau, presents in a "Due Diligence Petition", in the office of the United State's Inspector General, files a petition for the essential, Immediate needed Investigation, into the"Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigations" & "Special Prosecution Bureau of Anita Alvarez's office", that in numerous planned series of criminal events, after unlawfully Targeting "Laveau", as a "Serial Murderer", taking Evidence of "Solved Closed Crime Scenes", to operate a Special Task Force, between the Chicago Police, F.B.I., and Illinois Department of Corrections, have entered into a criminal undertaking, to "Suppress Factual Exonerating Evidence", and Intentionally mislead the "PUBLIC", in a "Continual Wrong Wielding The Powers of the Dangerous Chicago Law Enforcement Infrastructure", using the "Immediate Threats of death", "Outrageous Sexual Harassment", and creating a highly dangerous planned Coercive environment doing a "Unlawful Enhanced Roving Interrogation, Using Saturation Units", operating in a Malicious criminal design to Stop/Hinder any type of Investigation from being done into their personal criminal activities,etc.
     "Laveau", after filing in the office's of the "United States Inspector General & Illinois Inspector General's", the factual Suppression of Evidence, and the Atrocious Reckless Intentional Endangerment the Saturation units used, making in a planned series of events, intentional misleading statements of him being a "Child Murderer", "Serial Murderer","Convicted Sex Offender","To Have assaulted Numerous Children",(there are no record of Assault on,that are deceased friends children), and to be obsessed with Serial Murderer "John Gacy", to create a "Fraudulent Threat to Society", to keep a on going "Behavior Science Unit", operating and Hinder/stop any Professional Investigation and "Laveau" from being Interviewed by a Law Enforcement Official, that does not have a Internal Conflict of Interest, entered into a vicious planned criminal series of a premeditated criminal designs to Torture a Confession to Homicides & Kidnapping they have Intentionally Suppressed Factual Exonerating Evidence,and real suspect of committing on, to solely protect their professional careers and avoid their personal criminal Investigation and Indictments.
       The Inspector General's of the United states & Illinois State of Illinois, after Diligently filing serious nature complaints, involving the "Immediate Threats of Death, Sexual Organ Mutilation, and Immediate Threats toward his Family of Mutilation by Organized Chicago street gangs organizations, and/or Polish/& Latino Immigrants, wielding powers of Chicago's, underground law enforcement infrastructure", instead of Immediately Scheduling a appointment and a Investigator  of their respective office INTERVIEWING LAVEAU, THEY ACTED IN A PLANNED SERIES OF EVENTS OF A  MALICIOUS, PUBIC INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL DESIGN, TO MAKE THREATS TO SOCIETY, MISLEADING THE PUBLIC, OF HIM BEING A CHILD MURDERER, CHILD PREDATOR, CAUSING INTENTIONAL HATRED & HARASSMENT OF A VIGIL-ANTI DEATH THREAT, USING MEXICAN & POLISH INFORMANTS, TO DIRECTLY THREATEN "LAVEAU & HIS FAMILY"
    There are numerous Law Enforcement officials that want "Laveau", Dead or Lost in Mental Health, in a planned series of Factually Fraudulent created Malicious Planned Propaganda and events, of Threats to Society, to stop any, type of Investigation done into their personal criminal involvement, and only the truth being exposed and facts Investigated in the high profile Media & United States Justice Department Investigation, and United States Federal appointed JUDGES & United States Attorneys (Patrick Fitzgerald & Robert Grant,Nelson,and Holley,etc.),impeached & Indictments, from office & Indicted by real American fighting law enforcement Honest OFFICIALS, what is what is right official's, they can not accept, non-for profit law enforcement officials, that will admit to their wrong, before trying outrageously to place a Innocent man in prison for a crime THEY ,know he NEVER COMMITTED.
       Now as a United States Citizen ,  after diligently reporting, this factual Unlawful, ATROCIOUS MISCONDUCT AND TORTURE,  the United States Government & State Illinois have a Criminal/Civil Responsibility  to at the minimum Conduct, professionally investigate, and Schedule a face to face Interview to make a factual evidence inquiry, and sort out the Truth, and nothing more,as appointed officials of over sight Investigative bodies of Government, they have a criminal responsibility to Investigate every claim that is meritoriously presented to them , to protect the citizen from "Rogue/Dangerous", government officials,The officials,that are operating the unit as of time are every day common criminals hiding as cowards behind a badge , exploiting missing/dead children to survive, and have never worked a professional Investigation heeding/abiding by Federal/State Laws, and have operated in a fraudulent enterprise in the Chicago Infrastructure...To mislead the Chicago Infrastructure and Public, creating one fraudulent delusional crime hypotheses after the other to only stop/hinder their personal criminal involvement from being exposed,etc,,,....using on going misleading Intentional statements to protect their, careers,etc..
       The misconduct and criminal activities are so Inferred/self evident that a school law student or any law enforcement official could/would see the Internal conflict of interest and the area of every day Chicago Politics as usual , operating  in the powers of the criminals hiding behind badges, Exploiting  Children as shield to get Carte Blanche operating powers.
       THIS COMPLAINT IS FILED DEMANDING/NEEDING THE IMMEDIATE  ATTENTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE and law enforcement intervention to Investigate/prosecute all the alleged criminally involved official,s of the Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation,Chicago Police Department,and State of Illinois, in all warranted diligence ,and respect,,..

` Operating in one of many premeditated criminal designs, with in the Illinois state Police Dept, in a joint task force of the Chicago FBI, and dupage law enforcement infrastructure, agents impeded laveau's residence by locating informants and or operatives to operate in a unlawful theater of programming, placing a family of immigrants Beatrice Dz...and 5 children between the ages of 4 months and 10 years of age.in a open unrented unit, to use as a tool of programming/conditioning, name race and children to be a Ex relationship of laveau, and made a 24/7 unlawful radio type broadcast available to them as to what tactic and or theatrics the Dupage FBI and Illinois state police wanted acted or played out in a malicious design and practice of unlawful reckless deliberate indifference gross negligent psychology to make laveau believe he sexually assaulted his Ex Girlfriend children, after he filed with the united States inspector generals office in Chicago and Washington that the FBI, Chicago Police and Dupage Wheaton Illinois police made reckless intention dangerous statements of laveau being a convicted sex offender and to have sexually assaulted children of a old relationship that unfortunately died of A.I.D.'S operating in a premeditated common Illinois criminal design, wielding powers of the FBI, Immigration, dupage and Cook county sheriffs offices, Etal...( There is no factual allegation arrest or conviction to support)
        Laveau, and this woman have sought together a relationship, and she states she is pregnant with his child and wants to marry him, and the dupage law enforcement FBI State of Illinois Police wielding powers of the law enforcement establishment have used DCF and the Jericho Wheaton church to create threats towards her and ordering her to not seek their mutual relationship,...The Lady Beatrice Dz....is unaware of her rights to free association, and is being used by multi millionaire Federal, Illinois Wheaton law enforcement establishment of where the law enforcement joint task force are trying to stop the natural mutual relationship to have Laveau in a unlawful theater of malicious deranged deliberate conditioning programming trying to use 100 percent social deprivation subjecting him to the factually fraudulent crime hypotheses using direct death threats and delusional allegation of the woman having sexual relationships with individuals she is not and trying to create trauma coercive pressures to condition program laveau to believe he committed crimes that any face to face fact finder and the cases taken out of federal FBI seal and gone over by professional investigative oversight....
           The FBI and Dupage sheriff spent thousands of dollars to place these individuals in laveau's residence to shoe in psychological reinforcements in a unlawful malicious practice of psychology  that are a family under DCFS investigation and that of where the children have been taken as wards of state away from the mother and living in the United States under Visa Immigration with the mother being and chronic alcoholic with possible mental health problems, because of what the Dupage FBI law enforcement unlawful conditioning programming theater has created using her to conceal their criminal activities of a factual fraudulent operation, operating in a continual wrong for over 25 years exploiting missing and or dead children,,, that are totally living off the welfare and federal government assistance programs, where the children have been briefed by FBI/Dupage law enforcement officials and the social services net work of families of law enforcement Laveau seeking to have criminally indicted and investigated of the Illinois state police, Etal...where this woman has invited laveau inside her residence and the Dupage Wheaton police dept has told her AND CHILDREN AS TO WHAT DESIGN OF DESIGN THEY WANTED TO CREATE VIA A SCOTT AND PAM klIEN, THAT HAVE A SOCIAL NET WORK OF THE DU PAGE AND ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ...AND TO HAVE PLACED THE FAMILY IN THE RESIDENCE, ETAL...
    The Woman Beatrice Dz...is a good mother and a loving parent that is being used by the Illinois Federal law enforcement establishment they believe they can threaten with taking her children and or and have used electronic harassment via advanced Satellite Imaging technology and a unlawful radio magic microphone type radio broadcast to coerce and retaliated daily in numerous planned series of events of the Dupage, Illinois state police, FBI joint task force...

   Daniel J., Laveau, on November 24, 2015 after trying to contact the United States Inspector General  Washington D.C., on the INTERNET with in 20 minutes after had a Governmental agent " Jeff Link And his son Mike Link" ,operating with the Wheaton Police and FBI show up at his door with a Rambo Hunting knife approximately 10 inches long, while "Jeff Link": BRANDISHED THE DANGEROUS WEAPON AND BY KNIFE POINT UNLAWFULLY BY FORCE ENTERED DANIEL LAVEAU'S RESIDENCE at 400 S. Hale Street Wheaton, ILL, AND THREATED HIM WITH DEATH BY STABBING WHILE "Jeff Link"STATED TO "MIKE LINK" TAKE HIS KNEES OUT AND "MIKE LINK", HIT LAVEAU WITH THE BAT IN THE SHINS REPEATEDLY AND HELD THE BAT AT A LIFE THREATENING POSE AS TO HIT LAVEAU, WHILE JEFF Link THREATENED LAVEAU WITH A DANGEROUS WEAPON A HUNTING KNIFE...
    Upon attempting to contact the Wheaton police Dept, Laveau was repeatedly placed on hold , and upon the Wheaton police Dept avivving at 400 S. Hale Street the responding officers after seeing injuries sustained by Jeff and Mike link refused to take a written report and arrest the assailants operating in a Code of Silence to stop hinder any type of documentation of the incident transpiring in numerous planned series of events operating with a joint FBI dupage Wheaton Police task force...that have used the direct threats of immediate death trying to compel a incriminating statement to numerous Kidnappings and homicides Laveau never committed...DOCUMENTED WITH THE UNITED STATES INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE AND ILLINOIS STATE POLICE AND GOVERNOR RAUNER,, Lisa MADIGAN, Etal...The Law enforcement has a internal conflict of interest to investigate and prosecute their personal misconduct, and criminal behavior, etc...

Now we have dark Ops Psychology which is a FBI, Behavior Science Unit, malicious operating tool, and numerous unlawful practices of programming/conditioning, of them creating events to use as reinforcements and plant false thought, Example creating people to give names to that are placed in the targeted individuals direct path of travel, while the targeted is subjected to a traumatic created malicious event (disrespect, sexual harassment, outrage,) directly with this individual, that the agents have created with the intentional design to condition/program, a false thought/memory, Etc, to be done by word association to be people, they want to program/condition to have witnessed an event or piece of evidence, or alleging to have witnessed a piece of evidence relating to a victim or crime.
The process is a malicious intentional design and tactic of FBI/State Profilers, after lead detectives learn they have targeted the wrong individual and want them to believe they committed a crime and to get a unlawful confession to take a crime or series of crimes off the books, and/or (because no law enforcement official has ever been prosecuted if the suspect gave a confession no matter what alleged police misconduct was alleged) get Immunity to outrageous law enforcement tactics of Organized Stalking. They will use an advanced "DOD, NSA, FBI, Satellite Roving Surveillance" inter-phased with "Bio Metric Voice Print Technology" that can receive the voice of god an involuntary response that is undetectable to human hearing perception that gives a voice print that is the thought of man. aka MK Ultra, Chipping, Illuminati, Etc...
The agent use what is called "Nationality Dangerous Stalking Tactics" of the alleged viticms nationality (Polish, Latino, Negro, Etc), and the alleged victims clone to plant alleged vitim in the target individuals mind, and place these individuals directly in the targeted individuals path of travel in stores, restaurants employment sites, Etc. And then have them directly in a distance use direct threats of mutilation and death or intention sexual harassment (which is all created and manufactured by the FBI/State Profilers) , stating they want a confession or the targeted in going to be heinously brutally murdered...
With the FBI Profile Behavior Science agents operating with State and County law enforcement officials and their, personal family members, that have a internal conflict of interest, using advanced satellite and Bio Metric voice print tech will try using all psychological perception in the targeted individuals direct path of travel, people placed there by them, and all things of color, personal item on the targeted, coins, money, keys, vehicles, food they may stop to purchase along their way, or food they eat in their homes, and assign them to be a victim, nationality of a victim, or a crime or a reinforcement of a victim or crime, and then keep a continual rapport of the items, colors, or items to subject the targeted to a malicious practice of conditioning/programming, believing they will make the targeted believe they committed a crime or some individual witnessed them commit a crime, believing in a common criminal design of all agents and operatives involved that their going to get the targeted to believe that they committed the crime their trying unlawfully to torture a confession on knowing the targeted individual never committed, to conceal multi million dollar FBI/state operations, Etc..

U.S. Army’s elite Special Forces train with local cops in a secretive joint exercise
Unwarranted NSA surveillance, the passage of NDAA, stop and frisk programs, and the rise of warrior cops, have essentially turned America into a centralized...
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Daniel J. Laveau, presents a factual complaint of major fraud and unlawful conduct of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation's Chicago field office and Chicago Police Department, involving a special joint task force that has operated in a contiual wrong with fraudulent concealment since May, 1992.
The Chicago Police Department 16 th District in approx. May, 1992 placed Laveau, under investigation for a stabbing of a minor girl 14-15 years old that transpired at, around, or in a underpass located on Avondale Street ac cross the street from Howard Taft Chicago public high school.
In 1992 The Chicago Police Department's 16 th District was a very small station that dealt major with bursary, battery, traffic, and light gang and drug operations. And upon Laveau being a suspect of the stabbing of a minor girl at, in or around the Howard Taft public high school the 16 th District requested assistances from the Chicago Police Department's, "Grand & Central Violent Crime Sex Crime Division", that in 1992 contacted Laveau via his Probation officer, while he was in a 6 month in patient alcohol/drug rehabilitation program, located at 57 th & Wood Street Chicago, Illinois.
Laveau witnessed after the Chicago Police Department contacted his probation officer that he was being followed, where 2 woman that looked as Chicago Police (one with short black hair Irish and the other long brown curly hair Polish/black mixed or well tanned) were entering into theaters, restaurants, hotels, and public parks, where Laveau was taking his girlfriends to on dates. A Chicago Police officers EX wife "Christian Cwick" that resided at 1881 N Cortland ST Chicago ILL, Were numerous times upon Laveau in public areas of recreation he was harassed by Chicago Police uniformed officers coming up to him and his dates asking if she was alright after May, 1992 till 1993 intill he was unfortunately incarcerated as a detainee in the Cook County Jail on a probation violation. this Chicago Police officers, Ex wife's husband resided 6 blocks away from the Laveau's families residence right down the block from his father in law "Kenneth Kohonen", and they were both friends and knew each other, a Chicago Police officer assigned to the "California & Shakespeare Station , the same jurisdiction where 2 Kidnappings, 1 roof top sniping, 1 stabbing, and 1 drive by shooting "Laveau" was targeted for transpired. "That he never committed".
The Chicago Police Department's Grand & Central Violent Crime Sex Crime Division upon being asked for assistance for the stabbing of a minor girl at Howard Taft public high school in or around a underpass across the street from the school formed a special joint task force with the Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation School Gang Crime/Sex Crime Division, and together done 24 hour a day Roving Surveillance on Laveau since May, 1992.
The Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation's and Chicago Police Department's Violent Crime/Sex Crime Divisions together entered inside the Illinois State Department of Correction's, operating a "Roving Surveillance Prison Monitoring Special Agent Behavior Science Project", that in 1994 consisted of monitoring Laveau's in/out postage, phone communications and communications between other inmates, Etc.
Upon Laveau Paroling out of Pontiac Illinois Correctional Center in Approx. May 1995, the special agent Federal Bureau of Investigation's unit and Chicago Police monitoring Laveau, learned of a residence at; 3111 Lake Street, Glenview Illinois, where "Philip Laveau" tied his wife "Marry Laveau" in the attic Where was discovered her night gown and "Philip Laveau's trousers", and numerous toys, all items manufactured prior to 1965 with over 30 years of accumulation dust on them. And also suppressed the fact a individual named "Jerry Mahalic" used I/V drugs in the attic in 1988 during a keg party.(Where was discovered his blood and D.N.A. and he admitted to using the drugs in the attic to the original detectives in 1995.)
The Chicago Federal Bureau of Investigation's field office and the Chicago Police Department in a premeditated criminal undertaking suppressed the fact that they together done 24 hour a day Roving Surveillance on Laveau since May, 1992 and factually knew he never committed any Kidnapping, Homicide , or any other crime they have unlawfully targeted him for and operated in a planned series of events in major premeditated fraud to the State of Illinois and United States Department of Justice/National Security Administration to get access and funding to operate a Behavior Science Experimental Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's, that used "Live Satellite Roving Surveillance with Advanced Voice Print Bio-Metrics" and 30 - 100 Federal Bureau of Investigation's agents assigned from around the United States from Quantico Virgina and Washington D.C. and numerous local law enforcement joint task force agents, to do a Unlawful Enhanced Roving Interrogation, using a Dangerous Vigil Anti Style Stalking, INVOLVING THE IMMEDIATE THREATS OF DEATH BY SEXUAL ORGAN MUTILATION, STABBING, KIDNAPPING, AND HOME EVASIONS TO LAVEAU AND HIS FAMILY MEMBERS,OPERATING IN A UNACCEPTABLE, UNLAWFUL CONDUCT FOR ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY.
The fact is that "Greg Laveau", Daniel Laveau's brother was at the time 1994 was on Bond for Drug Trafficking, and Armed Violence Weapons Charges, ( numerous handguns ), and the FBI and Chicago Police, had him while he was out on Bond and Appeal, and his wife "Dawn Laveau/Dawn Kohonon, Surveillanced selling Cocaine and holding Weapons and discharging fire arms, which would of violated his bond and incarcerated him and his wife, giving him a Bond Forfiture, which means under Illinois State law consecutive sentencing of 2 class X felonies 6-30 years each,
The Chicago Police in numerous planned series of criminal events with the Chicago FBI, Targeted "Lavaeu", as a Serial Murderer, to operate a special joint task force, involving FBI special agents State of Illinois Police, and Chicago Police Special Operations officers, believe he was a Drug addict dying of A.I.D.'S, because of the health condition the couple he left the building to upon moving "Cynthia & Joseph Burns" that both had A.I.D.'S, at Approx. 1423 N Greenview St, Chicago , ILL, where prior to "Laveau" residing between late November 1992 - March 93, 2 Latino Children were abused tied to space heaters, window bars, and bunkbeds, with handcuffs, and 1 child was unfortunately Murdered by it father in July of 1991, where his body sat in the basement of the residence for approx, 2 weeks till removed by the Chicago Police. The residence was owned by a Cook County Sheriff Jail Nurse "Dorthy Dilman", that resided with a Cook County Sheriff employed at the Jail.
The original detectives operated in a premeditated criminal undetaking believing they would operate their Special FBI, State of Illinois, Chicago Police, Cook County Sheriff joint task force till "Laveau" died of A.I.D.'S, and then place numerous missing and/or dead children inside the solved, closed crime scenes, and get career advancement and the access to the D.O.D, N.S.A technology "Advanced Satellite and Bio- Metric Voice Print Technologies" the FBI was given to do Roving Enhanced Interrogations, in Special saturation Units, Special Programs of the Behavior Science Division of the FBI.
The FBI have at the present time entered into a criminal design of making factually fraudulent statements to the Public of "Laveau" being a convicted child predator and to have sexually assaulted his friends children that are deceased that died unfortunately from A.I.D.'S, to get "Carte Blanche" operating powers creating a highly dangerous environment wielding powers of the dangerous Chicago Corrupt Machine, and city infrastructure. And after Laveau filed with the United States Inspector General's office in Washington and Chicago petitions to Immediate provide the essential Investigation and needed Protection from these deranged Chicago FBI officials, they have tried to tell the Public that the tactics of the statements of the Predator Assaults were made in a tactic to Investigate another crime, of "Laveau" killing a Black child Toddler discovered on the westside of Chicago inside a 5 gallon bucket, that there is not any evidence to support a white man to have ever committed... Solely
to keep a highly dangerous environment of coercion going and keep the honest white non law enforcement officials from demanding their full criminal Investigation and Indictment and telling the truth of the Misconduct they have witnessed.
At the present time there are rich Multi Millionaire Law Enforcement Political Officials racketeering wielding powers of the dangerous Chicago Corrupt Machine, misleading the white Non Law enforcement Public, to Stop/Hinder any type of professional Investigation from taking place solely to stop the biggest high profile Investigation from happening involving the complete Chicago, Illinois Federal law enforcement establishment and Washington United States Justice Department, where the Chicago Police and FBI in a common criminal design undermined the United States Justice department...Self evident of the direct Family connection between Daniel J. Laveau, his Ex girlfriend Christian Cwick, his father in law being employed in the same jurisdiction where the Kidnappings took place and the solved crime scene evidence of the residence owned by a cook county Sheriff...and the fact his father in law resided right down the block from his Ex girlfriends house all Chicago Police of the residing in the 16 th District, where the original Investigation started in may of 1992, for a stabbing that transpired at or around Howard Taft high school, aforementioned...
Posted by Daniel LaVeaux at 10:27 PM No comments:
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..And want to know more info on the arrangement, etc...call 7734594631 ask for d.j. thank you...
I am looking for a room in a good non-drug environment, a social drink or joint is cool, as long as you are not a druggie and am wanting to ?get this Legal stuff motion.
remember the original crime hypotheses was that I lived next to a Military naval base Glenview naval air station and kidnapped people and then disposed of their remains on United stated property a solely fabricated hypotheses of Mid West state police FBI, profilers and the corrupt Illinois state police Chicago Terrance Gainer to get access to the DOD NSA advanced Behavior FBI analyses unit 3 and the access to the multi billion dollar Targeting industry...solely using solved closed crime scene evidence suppressed via all Chicago corruption Chicago police and the Illinois state police federal crime labs and the profiling net work of wealth for profit officials and their personal family members and the united states military officials all intertwined...etal